

Your guide to Halloween shopping on a budget


It’s the Halloween Season!

Sometimes the scariest thing about this time of the year is the dollar sign that hovers over everything.

From candy to costumes, it can be a little pricey.

At Goodwill, it’s all treats and no tricks.

You can put together everything from classics to pop-culture…and, usually, for less than a twenty dollar bill.

For example, this morning, we encountered a Minion, a Star Wars Heroine, a full-size Beany Baby and Prince!

Not a prince…Prince!

Oh, if you’re wondering about the recent spate of stories about spooky clowns impacting sales…the folks at this Goodwill on North Oak, say they’ve seen no change in the clown department.

According to Klassie Alcine, of Goodwill Kansas City, the great thing is that the proceeds stay here in our town to help provide jobs for those who may otherwise not have them.

At 14 locations around the metro, families will find Halloween possibilities limited only by their imaginations!



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