

200 attend bike ride to honor Indian Creek Trail homicide victim

Posted 2:27 AM, May 25, 2017
and last updated 3:15 AM, May 25, 2017

More than 200 people showed up for a Wednesday night bike ride in Mike Darby's honor.

Mike Darby knew how to bring people together. Wednesday night's Coach's ride is just one example.

"Mike, thank you for making the world a better place and we’re all better for having known you and we’re going to do our very best to exemplify your incredible example of a life well-lived," one rider said.

It's the first ride without Darby. 

He was murdered last week while walking his dog on the Indian Creek Trail. Officials say his killing has similarities to other homicides on the same trail.

Police are still looking for his killer, but that's not what his family and friends are focusing on right now.

"Sure, we want justice, but we just want to be better people," said brother Bob Darby. "More like Mike, more forgiving, more charitable and I think you saw that tonight in this ride.”

Darby started a charity ride known as Tour de Hope. He was well-known for his generosity.

His friends are remembering those positive moments during every mile of their Wednesday night ride.

“Everyone wants to be like Mike. Someone said today, 'I hope you have a good day, Bob' and I said, 'I hope you have a Mike Darby day.' There was no such thing as a bad day in Mike’s life," Bob explained. 

Police added security cameras and extra patrols to the trail where Darby was killed.

The parks department also suggested trimming some of the trees and installing lights to make the trail safer.