On Saturday city leaders meet with the public for the first time to talk about the $1.6 billion budget they have planned for the 2017- 2018 year.
People took their time to voice concerns over crime in Kansas City.
Two-thirds of this year’s budget will be going to public safety. The Kansas City Fire Department is seeing an $11 million increase to its budget from last year. The police department is seeing an $8.3 million increase to its budget.
However, the majority of the money will go towards wages, salaries, and pension increases, something some at the meeting didn’t seem to mind.
"They needed raises, they have been so shorted and we need police officers but yet we were hearing from the mayor you know there is not enough money to get more police officers but yet the crime is going up and up and up and up,” said Kansas City resident Joyce Dewalt Walker.
People also took time to voice their concerns over infrastructure on Kansas City’s east side. However, city leaders said the budget will go towards maintaining what the city already has.
The $800 million GO bond would help with those issues if voters pass it. The bond will go towards infrastructure improvements roads, such as bridges, sidewalks and flood control.
"Well the budget really reflects those things that are our ongoing operations, public safety is an ongoing operation,” said Councilman Scott Wanger, who is also the chairman of the finance and budget committee. "Whereas with the GO bond we are talking about major infrastructure improvements and major maintenance improvements across our entire system."
Mayor Sly James says the go bond will help the entire city, including the east side.
"GO bond is meant to be strategic and take care of our most serious issues and problems regardless of where they are,” said Mayor James.
Voters will decide the go bond on April 4.
Council members will travel to two more community locations for public hearings on the budget.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Mohair Multipurpose Center
3200 Wayne Ave.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Woodneath Library
8900 NE Flintlock Rd.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Southeast Community Center
4201 E. 63rd St.
Also, feedback is welcome at budget deliberations.
City Hall
414 East 12th St, 10th floor committee room
March 1, 8, 22
Wednesday's at 8:30 a.m.
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