

Community remembers fallen Det. Brad Lancaster

Posted 8:57 PM, May 10, 2016
and last updated 10:53 PM, May 10, 2016

Detective Brad Lancaster with the Kansas City Kansas Police Department was shot and killed in the line of duty on Monday, May 9. 

Former teacher remembers Lancaster as a high school student

Lancaster was a 1994 graduate of West Platte High School.

Brad Lynch, a teacher of 27 years who was Lancaster's science instructor at the school, can distinctly remember the fallen officer.

"He was a great student, fun to be around, hard worker, was always upbeat, had a good personality," Lynch said.

Even from an early age, Lynch said Lancaster had his dream set.

"He knew he wanted to be a police officer or go into law enforcement ever since he was in elementary school," he said.

When news of the shooting broke on Monday, Lynch said the story hit close to home.

"I was very sad and heartbroken," he explained. "Of course, I was thinking about his family."

As a police officer, Lynch said Lancaster knew the danger in Monday's situation.

"I'm sure Brad knew something like this could happen," Lynch said. "Even knowing that, that wasn't going to stop him from doing what he wanted to do."

Gone far too soon, Lynch said Lancaster's legacy will live on.

"He's a great role model for the students we have now to emulate or try to be like him," Lynch said.

Colonel in St. Joseph remembers Lancaster from training

"Anytime someone is killed in the line of duty, everyone feels it," said Col. Bill Puett of the Buchanan County Sheriff's Department. "It tears out your heart to think that some cowardly, savage, heinous act was committed against him for just trying to help and do the right thing in his community. It's indescribable."

Col. Puett trained Kansas City, Kansas Police Department Detective Brad Lancaster after he graduated from the Missouri Western State University Law Enforcement Academy.

"He came with a zeal that you really love to see from students going into law enforcement and later turn out to be tremendous police officers," explained Col. Puett.

Which is why his death is such a loss; not just for Lancaster's family and friends, like Col. Puett, but the entire community.

"It's a calling," he said. "They want to make a difference. They want to help their communities. They want to serve and try to make it a better, safer place. If you don't stand up against the bad things and the wrong things, who's going to? So we need people like Brad [Lancaster] who are willing to go out and lay it on the line to make sure everyone is safe and protected. That's what these men and women do every day. I can't say enough about them."

KCK coffee shop remembers Lancaster

Jennifer Johnson, who manages, A Cup on The Hill, works just doors down from the Kansas City Kansas Police Department and remembers Lancaster coming in often.

"He would order a tall black cup of coffee when he came in here with other officers," said Johnson.

Other neighbors who visit the coffee shop remember Lancaster coming into the shop and tell 41 Action News they are offering their condolences to the family via social media.



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