It's that time again: When more than 250,000 people swarm Country Club Plaza for food, music, fun, and--naturally--lots of art of all kinds.
Going strong since 1932, the Plaza Art Fair features 240 artists, three live music stages and about two dozen food vendors.
3 new things this year:
- St. Paul’s Episcopal Day School is hosting this year’s Kids Art Experience, an interactive workshop located on Broadway, across the street from The Apple Store. All ages are welcome.
- The 2015 Plaza Art Fair showcase artist is Beth Bojarski of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, booth 242. Beth’s medium is oil paints on all types of wood surfaces.
- ArtsKC – Regional Arts Council and Saint Luke’s Health System have partnered to present Experience ArtsKC – a “Passport to the Arts” in Kansas City. Fair-goers are encouraged to grab a passport and visit 26 local arts organizations.
Times and dates
- Friday, 9/25: 5 pm -10 pm
- Saturday, 9/26: 10 am -10 pm
- Sunday. 9/27: 11 am - 5 pm
What do I need to know?
- There will be free WiFi on the Plaza throughout the fair
- There is no entry fee for the fair
- You can bring your dogs
- Bike parking: Bike racks are located in the Granada Garage (near Country Club Bank Drive-Thru), Valencia Garage (top level) and Central Garage (near Classic Cup Café).
- Other parking: Handicapped parking is available in all Plaza parking lots and garages. Valencia Garage at 47th Street and Pennsylvania have a extra handicapped parking.
- The fair goes on, rain or shine.
- You can still volunteer!
- MORE: Check out the fair's FAQ page
Plaza Art Fair Map
Courtesy: Plaza Art Fair
Parking map
Come see us: The 41 Action News tent will be at Broadway and Ward Parkway at 10 a.m. on Saturday. Look for us near the main stage on the bridge over Brush Creek (across from the Intercontinental Hotel). Meet your favorite news anchors and meteorologists!