

Heart to Heart International to help Ecuador


Victims of the Ecuador earthquake will soon receive some help from the Lenexa-based humanitarian organization Heart to Heart International.

Ecuadorian officials said Saturday's earthquake, which measured an estimated 7.8 on the Richter scale, left at least 233 people dead and more than a thousand injured or displaced by the destruction. In addition to recovering from their own injuries, many Ecuadorian citizens must now rebuild homes and businesses that were destroyed in the quake.

HHI announced Sunday that it will send teams to Ecuador in order to assess the damage and help people affected by the event. 

In the meantime, HHI asked Kansas Citians for donations to help provide much-needed relief for earthquake survivors.

"These are very costly deployments, as you might imagine," said HHI CEO Jim Mitchum. "We get no government funding, so we really depend the volunteers and the donations we can get from people in the Kansas City area."

If you would like to make a donation toward this cause, you can do so online.


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