

KCMO considers new plan to clean up paint

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In some spots in downtown Kansas City, Missouri, it looks more like graffiti than safety markers.

Before and during construction, contractors use spray paint on sidewalks and streets to mark where underground gas and water pipes, fiber optic cables and other systems are located for public and worker safety.

As of now, there are no guidelines for the removal of those paint markers when construction is completed and that's what city councilman Scott Taylor seeks to change.

"Hopefully this simple amendment which will add the requirement that removal of paint to the list of 'restoration work' will help get this done in a more timely manner," said Taylor in a news release.

Taylor is calling the push "Clean up your mess - Part Duex." It's a reference to the second phase of new restoration restrictions on city contractors.

The first: Adding utility flag markers to the list of items needing removal. That ordinance [#160148] passed the first week of March and carries a deduction of contractor deposit if a contractor fails to remove the flags along with other restoration duties.

Co-sponsors of the "Part Deux" resolution are councilwomen Jolie Justus and Kathryn Shields.

The resolution will direct the city manager to investigate ways the paint is being used and how it can be removed in a timely manner.

Resolution 160227 states "Paint markings that remain on the public right-of-way for extended periods of time long after the excavation work is complete are unsightly and negatively impact the appearance and livability of the City's neighborhoods."

City manager Troy Schulte is directed to report best practice and removal findings to the council by August 1. 



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