

Who makes your Girl Scout cookies?

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There are only a few things more tempting than your favorite box of Girl Scout cookies. There’s nothing quite like a box of Samoas.

Wait? Aren’t they called Carmel deLites? Actually, it all depends on where you live.

Girl Scout cookies are produced by two bakers. That is why some of the similar cookies have two different names.

ABC Bakers
According to their website, ABC Bakers “is the oldest and most experienced licensed Girl Scout Cookie baker,” and became the official Girl Scout bakers in 1937.

The cookies they bake:

Little Brownie Bakers
Little Brownie Bakers has been licensed by the Girl Scout for more than 35 years.

The cookies they bake:

Where do I get my cookies?
The local Girl Scout Council determines what cookies are available in your area. In Missouri and Kansas, there are four councils:

  1. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, Inc. (St.Louis)
  2. Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland (Springfield, Mo.)
  3. Girl Scouts of Northeast Kansas and Northwest Missouri, Inc. (Kansas City, Mo.)
  4. Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland (Wichita, Kan.)

Girl Scouts of Northeast Kansas and Northwest Missouri, Inc. in Kansas City use ABC Bakers, while other cities like St. Louis get their cookies from Little Brownie Bakers. 

Although cookies taste similar, there may be some differences. According to the nutrition facts for both cookies, Samoas contain 10 more calories per serving size compared to Carmel deLites.

Similar cookies, different nutrient facts. (Photos and information from and


No matter where to cookies come from, most can agree that they are all still delicious.


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