Amendment 1
Missouri voters have approved an extension of a sales tax that funds state parks, historic sites and conservation efforts.
The one-tenth cent parks, soil and water sales tax is written into the state constitution, and voters decide every decade whether to reauthorize it. Voters first approved the tax in 1984.
Amendment 2
Wealthy donors no longer will be able to give unlimited amounts of money to Missouri candidates after voters decided to reinstate caps on individual and organizational donations to political campaigns.
The proposal will limit contributions to candidates to $2,600 per election and cap donations to political parties at $25,000. The limits will increase with inflation.
Amendment 3
Missouri's proposed 60 cent tax on cigarettes failed to gain a majority.
Amendment 4
Voters approved a ban on sales tax on certain services that aren't currently taxed.
Amendment 6K
Missourians approved an amendment that will require residents to present a voter ID for public elections.
Proposition A
Proposition A, a 23-cent tax hike on cigarettes failed to gain a majority
Kansas voters have signed off on amending the state constitution declaring that Kansas residents have the right to hunt, fish and trap wildlife.
The measure will add a section to the state's Bill of Rights to explicitly preserve hunting and fishing as a preferred way to manage wildlife. Any future measures seeking to limit hunting or fishing would need proof that a particular animal could become endangered.
Kansas now is among roughly 20 states in which hunting and fishing are a constitutional right.
Proponents say the measure is a pre-emptive safeguard against possible restrictions such as pushes to ban hunting and fishing outright or incrementally. Opponents counter that the measure might prevent citizens from stepping in to prevent unsportsmanlike practices.
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