Here on Kansas City Live, we like to share organizations that are working to make Kansas City a better place, we call it Kind KC. Today we are putting the spotlight on Emma's Place. Heather Barboza, Director and Founder along with Emma Dodson, and therapist Braxton Baker talk about what their program offers. They say these snow days are a perfect example of how Emma's Place picks up the slack when school isn't in session. Most families raising children with special needs find it difficult to find daycare. With Emma's Place, your child is getting what they would get in school: therapy, homework help, nutrition, self-help skills.
Here on Kansas City Live, we like to share organizations that are working to make Kansas City a better place, we call it Kind KC. Today we are putting the spotlight on an Emma's Place. Heather Barboza, Director and Founder along with Emma Dodson, and therapist Braxton Baker talk about what their program offers. They say these snow days are a perfect example of how Emma's Place picks up the slack when school isn't in session. Most families raising children with special needs find it difficult to find daycare. With Emma's Place, your child is getting what they would get in school: therapy, homework help, nutrition, self-help skills.

8:39 PM, Feb 26, 2018
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