Frank Douglas

Clergy/Bishop and Community Program Coordinator for Adhoc Group Against Crime

Where were you born and raised?
Kansas City, Missouri.

What is your occupation?
Clergy/Bishop and Community Program Coordinator for Adhoc Group Against Crime

What is your favorite childhood memory?
Hitting a softball in junior high school over the roof at Bingham during gym.

What does Black History Month mean to you?
We have a ways to go and should history of the American experience include authentic history which includes maltreatment of European settlers of indigenous and African people. I hate the term Black History or other ethnic isolated celebrations. America must have a comprehensive history which will help develop youth and adults into decent American citizens.

What do you believe is the most important issue currently facing the Black community?
Respect and dignity to develop and not continue to be exploited, but appreciated with our very own idiosyncrasies as does every ethnicity that have been fortunate to experience.

When did you realize you were Black in America and what has that meant for your life?
When we sung "We Shall Overcome" in our graduation in preschool at four-years-old. It is a work in progress.

Who or what is your biggest inspiration to push for change?
My parents and son and several families members who have already died and my wife, children, grandchildren, extended family members and my local church Beth-Judah Ministries and the Church of God in Christ.

How have you supported or contributed to the local Black community?
My life.


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