

New car models debut at KC auto show

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Eight football fields!

Cars and trucks and fun covering eight football fields!

That is what awaits you Wednesday through Sunday at Bartle Hall as the Auto Show rolls through town.



There are a lot of new things to steer your way through at this year’s show. Stop by KC’s Garage for some good food, a glass of wine or a bit of beer.

If the kids get “auto-ed” out, there’s a fun place for them to play while you browse.

But, of course, the stars are the cars…and trucks.



This morning we heard from Ford 150 brand manager Brandt Coultas about the KC Built F-150s and the “Beast on Wheels”:  The Raptor.

According to Brandt, both vehicles combine the toughness expected of a Ford truck with the latest in high tech.

From the Chevy side of the hall, Jennifer Ecclestone, showed off the Hometown Hero: Kansas City’s own Malibu.

You can take your Social Network along for the ride with the Apple Car Play feature.

Most of all, Jennifer says, “She’s beautiful inside and out.”  Yes, according to Jennifer, the Malibu is a female.

CLICK HERE for more information about all the fun on wheels.




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