KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The decision to be vaccinated is not as easy for some as it is for others, and as misinformation spreads, COVID-19 messaging is nearly everywhere you turn.
“There were like a lot of rumors going around and a lot of side effect pictures and stuff, so I was kind of hesitant at first," Kyle Connor, 16, said.
Kyle Connor and his 19 year-old brother Kevin received their second dose of the Pfizer vaccine Friday at the Mid-Continent Public Library in Raytown.
“I’m just glad that it was a pretty painless process," Kevin Connor said.
The two told 41 Action News that it was a family decision to get vaccinated, especially after they said they were exposed to a positive test several times throughout the pandemic.
“I would definitely say it’s a personal decision, but it’s better to get it because you can be around more people safely and you don’t have to worry about hurting other people in the process," Kyle Connor said.
After the first dose, Kyle said he experienced headaches. Kevin said he didn't have any side effects.
Not knowing how the second dose of the vaccine would impact them, Kyle and Kevin Connor are encouraging others their age to receive the vaccine.
“Do your own research and be confident to do it when you think it’s safe enough," Kyle Connor said. "So I do think this is the best solution to get everybody healthy."