KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The past week has been a whirlwind for people in the Kansas City area.
New stay-at-home orders went into effect Tuesday to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus and forced many people to work from home.
The new orders didn’t change much for Alex Pirotte.
The accountant works from his Prairie Village, Kansas, home several months a year. He gave 41 Action News some advice for others who now find themselves working from home.
Pirotte sticks to a routine. He wakes up at the same time every weekday, works out and makes sure he’s in place at his home office by 8:30 a.m.
He said it’s important to stay in touch with coworkers while he’s separated. If he’s feeling isolated, his co-worker probably is too, so he reaches out.
“We kind of check on one another internally and just kind of talk all day about stuff. If I have a question I’ll just call, or instant message my manager and say, ‘Hey, can you hop on a quick call?’ and will hop on a call and sort things out,” Pirotte explained.
When he works at home, Pirotte uses his laptop and a second monitor. Having that bigger screen makes him feel like he’s at the office.
Many national experts say Pirotte is following some of the best practices by setting up a desk where he can work in a part of his home that’s not busy.
This week, retailers have reported many sales of office chairs, keyboards, monitors and other office essentials people are using in their homes.
41 Action News consumer investigative reporter Cat Reid found ways to stay cyber securewhile working at home.