KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A 200-acre grassfire Friday that forced the evacuation of several homes in Douglas County was caused by an ember from an old, unattended campfire.
Douglas County Consolidated Fire District No. 1 and the Kansas State Fire Marshal announced the cause late Monday afternoon. The fire will be classified as accidental.
“It’s important to stir the ashes with water until no smoke or heat persists,” Douglas County Consolidated Fire District No. 1 Chief John Mathis said Monday. “Your campfire should be cold to the touch before you leave. Everyone plays a valuable role in protecting property and lives by preventing fires.”
Fire crews were initially dispatched Friday afternoon to a grass fire at the northwest corner of Clinton Lake east of Stull, Kansas.
As crews worked to get a handle on the fire, agencies from across northeast Kansas responded to provide additional firefighting resources.

Firefighters worked through conditions that included near hurricane-force winds. It wasn’t until the next morning the fire was placed under control.
Residents of nearly a dozen structures evacuated their homes for more than two hours Friday while crews worked to battle the fire.
VIDEO | East-central Kansas nursing home destroyed by grass fire
No injuries were reported and no structures were damaged.
Much of the burned land is under the management of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.