KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Kansas City, Missouri, Police Department honored Officer Kaile Sipple Tuesday night for her efforts to help save the life of a six-year-old shooting victim.
Police said the shooting happened April 17, 2024, in the 3300 block of Bales Avenue.
Officers were in the area on a call and heard numerous gunshots and saw two nearby vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed, according to a police department news release.
Sipple and her partner were told that someone had been shot near East 33rd Street and Bales Avenue.
They sped to the scene and Sipple ran to take care of the boy.
He suffered a gunshot wound to his head, and Sipple held his head, compressed the wound to slow down the bleeding and worked to keep him calm, according to the news release.
She took care of the child for four minutes before emergency medical crews arrived to treat the boy and take him to a hospital.
The department awarded Sipple its Lifesaving Award at Tuesday night's awards ceremony.
If you have any information about a crime, you may contact your local police department directly. But if you want or need to remain anonymous, you should contact the Greater Kansas City Crime Stoppers Tips Hotline by calling 816-474-TIPS (8477), submitting the tip online or through the free mobile app at P3Tips.com. Depending on your tip, Crime Stoppers could offer you a cash reward.
Annual homicide details and data for the Kansas City area are available through the KSHB 41 News Homicide Tracker, which was launched in 2015. Read the KSHB 41 News Mug Shot Policy.