KSHB 41 reporter Marlon Martinez covers Platte and Clay counties in Missouri. Share your story idea with Marlon.
Platte County voters have approved a quarter-cent sales tax increase, with the proposal passing in the November election.
“Well, we're very proud of Platte County voters who heard us, I think, when we made the case that we wanted more access to mental health services for children and youth in Platte County. We felt like our statement of their need was not only true, but it was accepted," said co-executive director of Synergy Services Dennis Meier.

This new tax is expected to raise approximately $5 million annually, which will be dedicated to funding youth mental health services and resources throughout the county. County commissioners will appoint a nine-member board that will decide how the funds will be distributed.
“I think because of that landscape, folks were able to kind of look at the difference that might make in Platte County. And felt like this is an important investment for kids," said Meier.
The sales tax will be in place indefinitely, where an appointed nine-member board will decide how the funds will be distributed.
"We want these funds distributed across the community, whether they come to Feed Northland Kids or whether they go to other organizations. It's important that we increase the services and improve the services in Platte County. And we really all truly believe that that's important," said Gwen O'Brien executive director for Feed Northland Kids.

The new sales tax will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2025, starting with the search to appoint the board.
“I think it takes all the resources. It takes all the ways of our community coming together, including a Children's Services Fund, to get these kids what they need," said O'Brien.