

JoCo lawmakers working to change campus carry law

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A Johnson County lawmaker will introduce a bill on Tuesday to change the current campus carry law.

"I do not think it is necessary to allow everyone to carry weapons on campus without training," Clayton said. 

The new bill will be introduced in the House Tuesday and Senate on Wednesday. 

It will give Kansas colleges the choice of whether or not to allow conceal carry. 

That means schools who are against it could opt out. One example: the KU Medical center located right here in the metro.

Students and staff have voiced their opposition to the current law, which is set to take effect in July. 

Rep. Clayton said she hears concerns from her constituents often, and understands why. 

"I have a daughter who is in middle school but she will be in college soon enough and this is a grave concern on my part," she said. "I don't want to have to arm her in order for her to be protected, rather I would say, perhaps if we properly funded our universities then they could provide more security that way."



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