KANSAS CITY, Mo. — This year is a major milestone for me! I looked at the calendar the other day and realized that 2021 is my 41st anniversary in radio and television news, so I decided to celebrate by thanking our faithful 41 Action News viewers in the Kansas City metro who have watched me and supported me for more than half of my career.
Each month this year, I'm inviting you to walk with me as I travel down memory lane, introducing you to some of the people, places and experiences highlighting my career. This month, I'm focusing on a memory I treasure the most at 41 Action News: all the love and support I received in my ongoing battle with breast cancer.

My first day on the job at 41 Action News was Jan. 27, 1997. I was hired as the weekend anchor and reporter, and I remember taking my first promotional picture for an autograph sheet. In 2010, then-News Director Carrie Hoffman promoted me to the Midday anchor position, and that's where I am today.
41 Action News and my personal life are intertwined on so many levels. My husband, Ed Newsome, proposed to me live on the air when I was anchoring. I said yes, and this October, Ed and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage! ("Hugs and kisses from your Mrs., Mr. Ed.")
I also started a nonprofit college and career readiness program for teenage girls, called Awesome Ambitions, when I came to Kansas City. Since 1997, managers at 41 Action News and our parent company, the E.W. Scripps Company, have sponsored Awesome Ambitions through the Scripps Howard Foundation.

During the most challenging times of my life, my 41 Action News family and our viewers have also stood by me, prayed for me and encouraged me. I've shared the story of my breast cancer battle many times over the years, on the air and online.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011. I made the decision to go public with my private health information to raise awareness about breast cancer and encourage women to get their annual mammograms and monthly self-exams. I wanted to help others. It turns out, my 41 Action News family and our viewers helped me — with encouraging cards, letters and acts of kindness, too many to list. I will forever treasure those memories in my heart.
I was cancer-free for seven years, and then in 2019, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. I am still in that fight, but I have good news! Things are going very well. I'm being treated at the University of Kansas Cancer, and twice a month I go to the campus in Westwood, Kansas, for immunotherapy (I'm infused with a liquid medicine to boost my immune system). I also take chemotherapy pills at home.
The latest scans (in late December) show that the tumor in my left breast is shrinking, and the tumor in the lymph nodes under my right arm have not grown. My oncologist said that's a positive sign that we're on the right course of treatment.
All I can say is I'm grateful; so grateful! I'm thankful to God and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I couldn't be happier. Yes, I still have metastatic breast cancer, but my treatment is working and my quality of life is excellent. I'm enjoying my family, I'm still able to work from home doing the news, I'm still leading Awesome Ambitions, and I'm still involved virtually at my church, United Believers Community Church.
Life isn't perfect, but life is so, so good. Take a deep breath and celebrate the positive. I hope you enjoy the pictures I'm sharing this month and in the coming months. With one hand over my heart, I extend my sincere appreciation to you for being part of my life story.
I'm also sharing a series of my breast cancer stories from the past. Click here to read about my experiences — and let's keep fighting for the cure.