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81-year-old advocates for senior services as Jackson County adds tax levy question to November ballot

'Now is the time for the seniors to stand up and speak for themselves'
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KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Monday afternoon, Jackson County legislators added a question to the November ballot.

The county is asking taxpayers to give 5 cents per $100 of assessed value, both real and personal property.

The funds generated by the levy, if approved, would support senior services in the county. Services include meal delivery, social activities and transportation for seniors.

“We just think that older adults deserve a chance to live in a community where they are valued,” said Janet Baker, executive director at KC Shepherd’s Center.


Jackson County is currently the only county in the metro without dedicated funding for seniors. Fifty-five other counties in Missouri have similar taxes.

“So we are all kind of fighting and scratching and clawing one at a time for a very small slice of the pie,” Baker said. “It would be much better as a coalition if we could collaborate.”

Seniors County Jackson County, a coalition that advocates for aging adults during the levy drafting process, predicts the levy would generate $8 million to $10 million each year.

Alice Kilic, 81, is a volunteer at Shepherd’s Center. She normally stays away from the cameras, but on this issue, she’s passionate about creating change for her fellow seniors.


When KSHB 41 reporter Abby Dodge asked her how it feels to live in a county without dedicated funding for someone her age, she expressed her tenacity.

“I think it makes me think that now is the time for the seniors to stand up and speak for themselves,” Kilic said. “In Jackson County, we are not going to get it unless we stand up and speak loud, long and clear.”

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.

KSHB 41 reporter Abby Dodge covers consumer issues, personal budgeting and everyday spending. Share your story idea with Abby.