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Atchison schools pick Phoenix to replace former mascot

Daily Life Kansas
and last updated

ATCHISON, Kan. — The Phoenix will be the new mascot for the Atchison public school district, replacing former mascots tied tied to Native American imagery.

The Atchison School Board chose the new mascot by a 5-1 Monday night. The board voted in April to replace the former mascots - "Redmen" for the high school and "Braves" for the middle school.

That change came after Atchison United, a group that promotes diversity, pushed for a more racially sensitive mascot.

Monday's vote came after opponents gathered 700 signatures on a petition asking the board to delay the change to gather more public input and consider other options, the Atchison Globe reported.

Board members said they wanted to choose a new mascot before the new school year started.

The image of the Phoenix the school will use has not been chosen but the school colors will remain red and yellow.