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Biden, Trump among candidates to appear on Kansas presidential primary ballot

Kansas presidential preference primary set for March 19
Election 2020 Missouri Voting

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab said Friday that eight candidates met a Friday deadline to be included on the ballot for the March 19 presidential preference primary.

Four candidates from both the Democrat and Republican parties will be included on the ballot:


  • Dean Phillips
  • Jason Michel Palmer
  • Joseph R. Biden
  • Marianne Williamson


  • Donald J. Trump
  • Nikki R. Haley
  • Ron DeSantis
  • Ryan L. Binkley

Each candidate was required to pay a $10,000 filing fee along with notarized paperwork.
“I am pleased to have four candidates from each major political party file with our office,” Schwab said Friday. “I encourage Kansans to get out and vote in this historic election.”

Voters interested in participating in the primary have to register or update their voter registration by Tuesday, Feb. 20.

More information is available on the Secretary of State’s website.

Earlier Friday, Schwab joined the Secretaries of State from Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Tennessee and West Virginia in filing an Amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court.

The brief asks the court, which is reviewing whether the Colorado Supreme Court was correct in ruling that Trump could not be on the Colorado ballot, “narrowly define” who can disqualify a candidate from being on the ballot.

The group argues that secretaries of state should be prohibited from having that ability.

The Supreme Court is set to hold a hearing on the matter on Feb. 8.

In addition to the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling, Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows also prevented Trump from appearing on that state’s ballot. In each instance, the rationale to prevent Trump from being on the ballot cited his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attacks on the U.S. Capitol.

The Maine Superior Court stayed Bellows' ruling pending the Supreme Court's review of Colorado's decision.