

Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Greater KC and Target team up to help 8 KC metro families

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Kalasie Jenkins has eight children of her own, a ninth on the way, and she plays nanny to every kid on her block. 

”If there’s a child that comes in my house, they’re gonna eat before I do, by far,” she said.  

Dara Pacheco is a “Big Sister” to Jenkins’ daughter Leandra. 

“I feel like every time I go over to their house, there are always 3 or 4 kids there that aren’t blood related, but they seem like they are now,” Pacheco said.

Now the woman who does so much to help, is being helped by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater KC, and Target. 

Kristi Hutchison with BBBS, helped facilitate this shopping spree. 

“To be able to help someone like that out who is so grateful and that is just trying to do the best for her family is just so amazing,” Hutchison said.

With Pacheco by her side, the two ladies set out to shop.

“You know the struggles of life,” Jenkins recalls.  “Where the utilities have been cut off and we’re trying to get the utilities back on or piece together money for rent, it’s just been rough lately.”

Jenkins is one of 8 families benefiting from this shopping spree.  Thanks to the efforts and generosity of others, there will be presents under the Christmas tree for her children.



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