What is art? It's an eternal question with as many answers as there are people.
Where is art? That’s an easy one: Brookside!
Starting Friday evening and running through Sunday, the tents at 63rd and Brookside will become one of the top galleries in the nation.
More than 1000 artists compete to get into the Brookside Art Annual. Only about 185 make the cut.
This is the first art show of the year in the metro, and it draws nearly 100,000 people.
This year’s featured artist is Cali Hobgood. Cali creates hand-colored pieces from black and white photographs.
Her inspiration can come from anywhere at any time - for example, hearing a Cessna flying over head as she woke up one morning lead her to create an aeronautical dashboard worth framing.
Of course, food and music and children's activities make up part of the fun, but the true focus is on the art.
Brookside is always something of a work of art. No wonder this weekend fits so well.
Ready for bad weather
"It's rain or shine, the show. The show goes on no matter what," said Elizabeth McFadden with the Brookside Art Annual.
With shows in past years seeing everything from storms to even snow, those who run the show say nothing would surprise them.
"Our biggest concern is possibly the wind but yeah, they're ready," said McFadden.
Most of the show is protected by a large tent. With it bolted to the street, it likely won't go anywhere in high wind, but if it gets too bad, emergency personnel will be on hand to send people home.
Most likely a little rain won't stop the more than 180 artists from showing off their work. Underneath the big top, artist Cali Hobgood still expects big sales.
"We're pretty well protected in here," said Hobgood. "It'll be great."
Joel Nichols can be reached at joel.nichols@kclive.tv.
Justin Wilfon can be reached at justin.wilfon@kshb.com.