
Local fan group celebrating 'Tolkien Reading Day'

Posted 5:11 PM, Mar 21, 2018
and last updated 12:52 PM, Mar 23, 2018

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — J.R.R. Tolkien fans will be celebrating the author all over the world on March 25. 

The Tolkien Society created a day to encourage fans to promote Tolkien's literature by reading their favorite passages. 

The author is best known for his Lord of the Ring series.

"This will be our third year anniversary, which is also the anniversary of the end of the Third Age, which is just fun Tolkien Lore," said Robbie Park, president of the Kansas City Chapter of The Tolkien Society. 

The Kansas City chapter will be hosting two events on Sunday, March 25. 

At 2 p.m., the group will be hosting a talk at the World War I Museum about Tolkien's experiences in World War I, and how they informed his greatest literary masterpieces.

"Also some of his personal connections with his son Christopher, who was also in World War II and some of the content in the letters he wrote to his son regarding war," Park said. 

That event is free with an RSVP and will be held at the Edward Jones Research Center.

Then at 3:30 p.m., the group will be at the Dubliner KC, 170 E. 14th St., Kansas City, Missouri, 64106. The group will be discussing Unfinished Tales: Part III (up through "The Hunt for the Ring") and The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien through Letter 130. You can check their Facebook page for updates on this event. 

The Tolkien Society of Kansas City meets every month to discuss books. 

"We're a group here in the area who loves Tolkien. We love to talk about fiction, we love to talk about fantasy and we're a free group," Park said. "Anyone is welcome to join us!"