

Clogged storm drains create icy hazard

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Two days after the first snow of the season, some West Plaza streets are still sheets of ice.

But it’s not because snowplows missed them. The problem stems from clogged storm drains.

The ice is an inch thick in some places outside Antoinette Hernandez’s home who said, “When the sun comes up, you know it melts, then there's a glaze afterward.”

Hernandez tried to lay down salt but it hasn’t helped much.

“People do have to drive slower or they do, you can tell right away, right when you hit your breaks that it's icy and dangerous," said Hernandez. 

Jeff Haskins from the Kansas City Water Department explained, “The water could drain slowly or not at all. With the temperatures like they currently are now, it could cause freezing, which could lead to an accident.”

The Water Department is responsible for clearing clogged storm drains.

A request for service can be made by calling 3-1-1 or visiting the city’s website

“They give us a call and we'll come out and make an inspection and or investigation and we will send the appropriate personnel out to either clean or open up the clogged storm line,” explained Haskins.

However, clearing the leaves in the first place is the responsibility of the homeowner.

Haskins said, “It's more to it than just seeing a catch basin clogged; it affects a whole lot more. It takes all of us to keep the catch basins clean but the leaves are one of our biggest problems here in Kansas City.”


Shannon Halligan can be reached at

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