KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Following cuts to federal agencies in charge of assisting refugees, some local workers have started taking things into their own hands.
The organizers behind the Connect to Hope networking event held last Thursday say one of the biggest things the federal cuts have severed is a sense of connection.
The networking event was meant to help bring people back together.

"We have employers here, we have people that came as refugees here, we have people that were laid off. So it's a really diverse crowd and that's what we were aiming for," said Athaviah Barker, one of the event's organizers.
One of the biggest conversations within the room centered around work.
"I just want to know if there's specific opportunities for the people who lost their job," said one of the participants.
"It's a great need," Barker said, commenting on the number of people who showed up looking for help. "If it wasn't needed we wouldn't have had a turnout ... People are making connections. [For] people who just got laid off, there's employers here. They're able to find employment opportunities."
Things may not stabilize for a while - but through events like these at least they're no longer waiting alone.

"I think when people get together, they lose that thought of their loneliness. They're not alone," said Omer Shardawy, a participant.
Organizers say if nothing changes, the need gap will only widen and events like these will continue to grow.
KSHB 41 reporter Grant Stephens covers stories involving downtown Kansas City, Missouri up to North Kansas City. Share your story idea with Grant.