KSHB 41 Traffic anchor/reporter Daniela Leon covers all sorts of transportation topics across Kansas City. Have a story idea to share or a question about something in your neighborhood? Send Daniela a news tip.
Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas held a press conference Friday morning announcing improvements set to take place along 71 Highway.
Earlier this summer, KCMO city council passed an ordinance giving the Public Works department the green light to work with a KC design firm, HG Consult, Inc. The project is expected to be funded by a $5 million federal government grant with a focus on MLK Boulevard and 85th Street.
71 HWY is a major north and south route, used by tens of thousands of drivers daily while cutting through historic KC black communities like Ivanhoe.

"We are still trying to bridge that divide, you can almost feel a difference between one side of the freeway and the other," said Alan Young, Managing Director of Housing and Property for the Ivanhoe Neighborhood Center.
Completion of 71 HWYwrapped up in 2001, serving as a direct link from downtown to South KC, but it’s placement came with a price. According to a city press release, over 2000 black families were displaced during construction, forcing people living on the east to cross the highway to access community resources like the Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council.
"Wherever there's an on-ramp on 71 the traffic increases, so we've had to endure the increase in speeding, the big trucks that come off 71," explained Young, "I know there's some environmental issues because you have a large amount of cars all day long, and the exhaust from those cars has become an issue."
The highway also has the highest number of severe injury and fatal crashes for pedestrians and cyclists in the Kansas City metro area. KCPD data shows between the start of 2022 through August 6, 2023 there have been 1,076 reported crashes on 71 from downtown to Three Trails Crossing. The number of crashes does not include online reports. Out of that number 11 crashes were fatal and 400 resulting in injuries.
La’keia Rambo was among those drivers. The college student was heading southbound on 71 on July 20th, 2023.

According to the police report La'Keia was hit by a drunk driver between 39th street and Cleaver. The report indicates the driver at fault was arrested at the scene for driving under the influence.

"I was very mad, cause I just got my car fixed and I was shocked in itself because I knew how bad it could have been," recalled La'Keia.
La'Keia's mother, LaKesia took video of the crash and has family living along 71. She says the highway is notorious for crashes but never thought her family would be impacted by it.
"I’ve passed that freeway numerous times and I’ve seen accidents but I never would have imagined that my child would have been involved in the accident, " said LaKesia. "You can't just buy people homes for pennies on the dime and build large, you know, construction sites, and years later the money is gone, and the effect is still there."
KC plans to improve the corridor over the next five years in phases with a focus on safety, connectivity and equity enhancements.