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Ed Elder resigns as member of Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners

Ed Elder

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Ed Elder resigned as a member of the the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners on Tuesday, according to Kansas City, Missouri, Mayor Quinton Lucas.

Elder, a licensed real estate agent in Kansas and Missouri, was appointed by Missouri Gov. Mike Parson on June 5 and sworn in on June 12.

Lucas thanked Elder for his time on the board.

"I want to express my appreciation for Commissioner Ed Elder, who has submitted his resignation from Kansas City’s State Board of Police Commissioners. Ed has shown a lifetime commitment to serving our community," Lucas said. "I will miss Ed. His dedication to public safety and his strategic insights have been valuable to the board and our city."

Elder is the president of the Colliers Kansas City office and oversaw brokerage operations in the KCMO and Lawrence offices, according to his bio.

He graduated from Kansas State University, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration with an emphasis in finance.

No word on why he resigned.

Lucas said he looks forward to working with Missouri Governor-elect Mike Kehoe on appointing a new commissioner.

"I expect the Governor-elect will select a candidate who is committed to ensuring our city addresses our core public safety challenges, including our 911 crisis, property offenses, and reducing gun violence," Luca said in a statement.