VOICE FOR EVERYONE | Share your voice with KSHB 41’s Kevin Holmes
Thanks to generosity of Kansas City last year, fewer kids were poked fun at.
Fewer jabs were thrown in the classroom, allowing kids like Luis to throw even more in the ring.

Luis is among the dozens of young adults at the Police Athletic League or PAL who received shoes during our Gift of Sole Campaign.
KSHB 41 Anchor Kevin Holmes caught up Luis, his mom and mentors about the impact of Gift of Sole. Below is conversation.
Holmes: “Alright, how old are you? “
Luis: “I’m 12."
Holmes: “What’s your favorite subject in school?”
Luis: “Math.”
Holmes: “Why’d you pick those shoes?”
Luis: “Because they’re fun to wear.”
Holmes also caught up with Fabi Maldonado, Luis' mother.
Fabi: “His shoes are so colorful and that explains who Luis is — Luis is colorful. He’s always been kind of a shy kid and I feel coming here has opened him to being more outgoing, more positive with himself as well. The fact that the police officers are out here and trying to keep these kids off the streets and guide them on the right path.”

Retired detective Elaine Moore is one of the many volunteers for the PAL in KCK.

Moore: "If we don’t help them, who’s gonna pay for my social security when I get old?" Moore said while laughing. "Think about it. I need them to be productive citizens.”
Moore is hoping these young people will follow in their footsteps. But, they need a sturdy pair of shoes to walk that path.
Moore: “I was an SRO at FL Schlagle for seven years. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I was there on a daily basis. Being a police officer for 27 years, I’ve gone to houses where there’s not one pair of shoes in a closet or they’re sharing the shoes. You wear them on Monday. You wear them on Tuesday. That’s not a made up story.”
It happens more than you know. That’s why last year’s shoe distribution at PAL was so welcoming.
Fabi: “A simple pair of shoes does a lot for a child. It brings them confidence. It brings them feeling like a new person.”
Moore: “To see the kids tugging. I’m not kidding. My shirt was going (gestures down) and I’m like ‘Oh God, you’re killing me.’ Because they wanted my attention. How can I get a pair of shoes. And they had tears in their eyes.”
That’s what KSHB 41 is hoping to knock out with this year’s Gift of Sole Campaign.
To donate or for tickets to KSHB 41’s Gift of Sole Gala, click here.