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Gladstone Facebook group helping locals save money during record inflation

'Buy Nothing - Gladstone' started by volunteer Katie Donais
Buy Nothing - Gladstone, Facebook Group
and last updated

KANSAS CITY, MO — On Wednesday, new inflation numbers were released, showing the Consumer Price Growth fell below 5% for the first time in two years.

In response to the report, experts say inflation is still high, but it's getting lower.

Katie Donais started the Facebook group "Buy Nothing - Gladstone" with hopes of helping people save money.

“It’s like you’re going to your neighbor and asking for a cup of sugar,” said Donais, volunteer admin of the Facebook group.

During these times, Donais says no ask is too big and no gift is too small.

“We’ve had asks of aluminum cans, just used soups cans for crafting materials, all they way up to an ask for a car,” Donais said. “We have absolutely had neighbors that have had food needs, and it’s amazing to see just the community rally around and fill up cupboards and pantries of neighbors that needed support.”

This group is one of many that allows people to ask for anything they may need without shame, as people pinch pennies to make ends meet.

“There not being a difference between wants and need in our group allows our neighbors and community to feel comfortable and ask for those things that they might not feel comfortable asking for,” Donais said.

Nathan Mauck, an associate professor of finance at UMKC, says the Facebook group is a good way to not only save, but also build community.

“Anytime the community can come together to support each other," Mauck said. "Sometimes these more difficult times do bring out that spirit of working together, and I think that definitely can benefit everybody."

Mauck says that inflation remains high, but it’s reduced from the levels we’ve seen and advises people find ways to save and create a budget for their spending.

“You can look at statements from the bank and credit cards, wherever it is that you’ve got your spending," Mauck said. "Take a look over the last few months, and see the categories where the money is going, and see if there aren’t some areas you could change up a little bit."

Donais says that "Buy Nothing - Gladstone" is the perfect way for people to save and help one another.

“Everything is getting more expensive and we are finding so many things that we can reuse,” Donais said.