PLATTE COUNTY, Mo. — The group behind the Platte County Children’s Service Fund has filed a lawsuit against County Commissioners, challenging their decision to overturn a quarter-cent sales tax that voters approved in the November election.
Synergy Services Co-Executive Director Dennis Meier has been at the forefront of the Children's Service Fund.
He tells KSHB 41 the lawsuit was filed on Wednesday morning.
“The respondents in the lawsuit are the commissioners and also the Department of Revenue. Both entities have under the law, direction as to what to do after an election is successful and is certified. Once the election was certified, and then we believe that the law was rather clear on what should happen. And the order that the commissioners gave on Dec. 16 is in conflict with that," said Meier.
The sales tax, aimed at funding children’s mental health and social services, passed with 56% of the vote. However, the Platte County Commission unanimously voted not to implement it, arguing that the ballot’s language gave them the discretion to decide.
KSHB 41 reached out to County Commissioners and obtained the following statement from Commissioner Joe Vanover.
"The radical left only cares about raising taxes and advancing their woke agenda. Instead of helping children, they are wasting money on lawyers. Groups like Beacon Mental Health and Feed Northland Kids are supposed to be charities, but they diverted thousands for a political campaign last election. It is disgusting when so-called charities raise money for children but spend it on lawsuits and politics."
Throughout the process, Commissioners shared their concerns about the sales tax in public meetings, expressing that 'taxpayers cannot afford another tax burden in the county'.
Meier said their decision goes beyond voter integrity.
“I think we've certainly had a lot of calls from voters saying, are you going to challenge this? Who is challenging it? What is going on? Can this stand and is it really this matter of fact or this easy for a county government to just turn over or nullify an election? And I think that's kind of been the underlying theme throughout this," said Meier.
The Children's Service Fund was designed to provide mental health services for youth in the county. Once approved a nine-board member appointed by commissioners would oversee and distribute the funds among agencies who qualify in Platte County.
It was estimated to bring in $5 million a year.
The lawsuit was filed February 19th, you can see it here.