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Harrisonville SD files to dismiss case after students allegedly sexually harassed, assaulted other student

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KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Harrisonville School District filed to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the father of a middle school student who allegedly faced sexual harassment and assault by two other students during summer school in 2022.

The lawsuit, which was filed in August 2023, alleges the district and specified faculty members were negligent and violated the Missouri Human Rights Act.

It also alleges the district failed to comply with its own sexual harassment policy.

The district filed to dismiss the lawsuit in September 2023. A judge has yet to rule on the motion.

The district's superintendent, Josh Chastain, issued the following statement:

Harrisonville Schools takes all student complaints alleging harassment by other students seriously. Upon receiving complaints, we promptly respond by investigating the alleged conduct, by acting to stop and prevent any misconduct that is discovered, and by disciplining any students who violate the discipline code or Harrisonville Schools’ policies. The Petition in this case makes inaccurate allegations and invalid legal claims, which the School District is addressing through the legal process. Beyond this, the School District will not comment about students or about cases involving students during this legal process.

Former Superintendent Paul Mensching, teacher Leslie Lame, Principal Chris Grantham and Assistant Superintendent Jason Eggers were listed in the lawsuit.

The Harrisonville Middle School student at the center of the lawsuit, identified as B.L. in the lawsuit, was enrolled in Lame's class for the summer school session of 2022.

The lawsuit alleges multiple instances in which another student in Lame's class, identified as J.S., would follow B.L. into the bathroom to sexually harass and assault B.L. In some instances, another student, identified as M.S., would allegedly join J.S. in the harassment and assaults on B.L.