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How SAFE helps families of fallen officers recover after loss


KANSAS CITY, Mo. — When you lose your everything, how do you take care of everything else?

Jan Zimmerman, director of the Surviving Spouse and Family Endowment, says the organization helps take care of finances so families can take care of each other.

"So unbearable you know, for the spouses and the children of parents that suffer through this," she said. "First thinking of, 'How am I going to tell my children that their daddy is gone?' But they also think about, 'How am I going to pay the bills?' You know the person that was my partner in taking care of the family is now gone."

Help comes in a $25,000 check, with no strings attached. It's presented to the family within the first 48 hours.

"To make sure that those families are not worried about the money in the short-term," she said.

SAFE is donation-funded. You can find out how to contribute by clicking this link.