KANSAS CITY, MO — Signs, flags and music filled the 18th and Vine District as people waited to greet President Joe Biden during his visit Wednesday to Kansas City, Missouri. Many where there to support his visit; others who were not.
“We wanted to make sure he felt welcome to our area, and that he knew he had support in our area even though we are small blue dots in a red state,” Biden supporter Jae Moyer told KSHB 41 News.
Moyer was joined by others not so happy with the president's visit.
“(We're here) to tell Biden how we feel about how he is ruining our country,” John Calkins, a supporter of former President Donald Trump, said.
However there were a group of Kansas City Ethiopians who say their country is fighting a terrorists group, causing turmoil. They told KSHB 41 News they wanted President Biden to see their frustration.
“We are opposing the United States' support of this small minority group which is cause of the root of all evil of Ethiopia,” Daniel Fikru, an native of Ethiopia, said.
Although many waiting along 18th and vine were on different sides of the aisle, they could all agree that the president's visit was necessary to highlight infrastructure in KC
“Personally I think public transportation is the key for people to get to and from jobs," Moyer said. "They are able to have stable housing and it all comes from getting around. Kansas City is a road based vehicle based region."
“I just hope he fixes our infrastructure," Todd Bryan, a supporter of former President Trump, said. "Kansas City has lousy transportation and we need to have a light rail all over the city especially at the airport and also the stadiums."