KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Multiple flights from New Orleans to Kansas City on Monday were filled with disappointed Chiefs fans.
Some brought back souvenirs, but none returned with the championship title.
"Disappointed but super proud of our team," said fan Kristy McKechnie.

"Everything showed up, except the Chiefs were a little under what we expected," shared supporter Bob Herzig.

Sunday's40-22 Super Bowl loss was shocking for Chiefs Kingdom.
"... I booked to come back here to see my parents and hopefully a parade, but no parade," said traveler Zack Phillips.

While the Chiefs may have fallen, their fans have not lost faith.
"I’m still proud," said fan Michelle Graham. "I was born and raised Chiefs, I will be Chiefs until I die."

"I’ve been a fan since the 90s, so I’ve seen a lot of bad football," recalled Sandy Hudson, fan. "And these guys will come back. I mean, they’ve given us so much joy and excitement. I mean, how could you be mad about that?"
There was no shortage of red and gold at Kansas City International Airport. The back of Hudson's shirt was a red and gold picture of Mahomes that said, "Hope."

"It seemed like a good day for this message," Hudson said.

It's that hope and excitement that makes fans optimistic about what's to come.
"I think we’re probably going to be hungrier going forward," Phillips said.
"I want to go back next year, I hope the chiefs do, too," said supporter Cooper Plagman.

In the sea of red, KSHB's Caroline Hogan spotted one Eagles fan dressed in green. He stuck out in the crowd but said he was coming home happy.

"I wore Eagles stuff on the way down there," explained Cameron McGarry, Philly fan. "It was fun, you know, getting jokes and all that, but on the way back, it was just a little sweeter."
KSHB 41 reporter Caroline Hogan covers development across the Kansas City area. Share your story idea with Caroline.