Residents of a Raytown apartment complex facing possible eviction due to their landlord's overdue sewer bill may get a bit of a reprieve.
City leaders sent a letter to residents of the Amber Glenn Apartments last month stating if the landlord didn't pay the overdue sewer bill totaling more than $42,000 by September 17, there may be a forced water shut off on or after that date.
By law, a water shut off would require all residents to leave the apartment complex.
City of Raytown spokeswoman Brenda Gustafson now says a decision on what will happen next will happen this Friday, September 18.
New complex manager Jesse Davila paid the current sewer bill plus a small portion of the unpaid balance last week.
Gustafson said last week the paid portion of the unpaid balance was not enough to satisfy city leaders.
According to the city's letter sent to residents, the landlord has only been making partial sewer bill payments since April, 2014 resulting in the more than $42,000 unpaid bill.
Davila has vowed to do whatever he can to prevent the water shut off.