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'It's a Godsend': Fisher House Kansas City brings hope to families as their loved ones receive medical care

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KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Fisher House Foundation, an international nonprofit, builds comfort homes where military and veteran families can stay for free while a loved one is in the hospital.

Over the years, they have built more than 90 of these homes across the world. They are located at military and Veterans Affairs Medical Centers.

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Fisher House Kansas City opened in Kansas City, Missouri, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Take advantage of it. We’re not giving you anything, you’ve earned this,” said Michael House, a house manager at Fisher House KC.

Families are referred by their doctors at the VA. Once they are accepted, they move into the house where food and housing are all free of charge.

Every family or couple gets their own suite, fully furnished with a private bathroom.

“He got hospitalized, so I’m freaking out," Nicky Rohlfing said. "And they said, 'Don’t worry, you can just stay down the hill.'"

The Fisher House was a saving grace for Nicky and Albert Rohlfing. Albert, a Vietnam era veteran, has had two traumatic brain injuries, a heart attack and state four cancer.

While the road to recovery has not been easy, at the Fisher House, he can heal.

“Oh, it’s a Godsend; it’s just an absolute life saver,” Nicky Rohlfing said. “You don’t have to worry about finding a hotel, going out to eat, you just come here and it’s home.”

The Rohlfing’s believe other veterans who ended up taking their own lives may still be here today if they had resources like this and a place to go.

In order to make sure the house is funded and supported, a nonprofit was created.

Mark Davis is the president of The Greater Kansas City Friends of Fisher House.

“We’re constantly bringing in money, identifying needs in the house and getting those paid for,” Davis said. “We want the veterans and the families that are staying here to worry about one thing, and that’s the care those people are receiving.”

Because the Fisher Houses are built and donated to the government, Davis says having a nonprofit like theirs to fundraise and to use that money freely helps move things along.

Any donation, both in time and money, can bring back that light into the hearts of families.

“The VA has saved his life more times than I can count,” Nicky Rohlfing said. “You become family and you share each others grief, you share each others happiness, if there's a day of goodness in the hospital, you share that so it’s just amazing.”

To donate or volunteer at the Kansas City Fisher House, head to the organization's website.

Donations can also be sent to:

KCVA Attn: Fisher House Kansas City
4801 Linwood Boulevard
Kansas City, Missouri, 64128