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Jackson County residents voice concerns over proposed Evergy rate hike

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Rate Hike Meeting

KSHB 41 reporter Grant Stephens covers housing and rental costs across Kansas City. Have a story idea to share with Grant? Send him an e-mail.

Evergy is asking to raise rates for their western Missouri customers, and not by an insignificant amount.

The change still has to be approved by the Missouri Public Service Commission, but before they make a decision, they heard from the public at a meeting Tuesday evening.

Evergy meeting
Evergy meeting

The proposed increase would raise bills by 13.42 percent.

"If you're living on a fixed income, like I am, it's significant," Jackson County resident Marvin Rollinson said.

Marvin Rollinson
Marvin Rollinson

Evergy says it's already spent a huge amount of money on upgrades the company says it needed.

"Three-fourths of our request is related to traditional utility investments," said Gina Penzig, an Evergy spokesperson. "And that is investing in the power grid, so that's the poles and wires that get power from the power plants to homes and businesses. It's adding technology to those so that they work more efficiently."

Gina Penzig
Gina Penzig

In theory, the money, all $104.5 million of it, makes the grid more resilient and reliable for customers.

Following the spending, Evergy then asks to raise rates — about $17 more a month for the average customer — to make that money back.

But that doesn't mean customers like Rollinson and Denise Eichler are willing to foot the bill.

"It hurts," Rollinson said. "It hurts young families as well. And people have to get a handle on exactly what now they're going to have to spend their money on."

Denise Eichler
Denise Eichler

"Where's all this extra money going to come from?" Eichler said. "We can only take so much."