KSHB 41 reporter Isabella Ledonne covers issues surrounding government accountability and solutions. Share your story with Isabella.
The Kansas City, Missouri, City Council is warning dangerous drivers who attempt the illegal sideshow spin-outs and racing that have been plaguing the Crossroads Art District.
Newly installed rumble strips at the Southwest Boulevard and Broadway Boulevard intersection may cause damage to cars if drivers are speeding through. It's part of an ongoing project throughout the city to prevent the continued sideshows and street racing.

"It's a fairly effective and cheap strategy that makes it impossible for these vehicles to gain friction," Kansas City councilman Crispin Rea said. "I've heard that it will actually tear and deflate the tires."

Councilman Rea represents the 4th district at large. He explained he's heard the concerns from the community and he's hopeful the rumble strips answer the call.
"It is a quality of life issue," Councilman Rea said. "It's a public safety issue, and we need to be responsive as a city government."
Kansas City, Missouri implemented the idea a few blocks away in the Power and Light District back in April. KSHB 41 News checked back in with those who work in the area to see if they've noticed a difference.

"Before they put rumble strips in, it was pretty bad, like [sideshows] almost every weekend night," recordBar employee Woody Bardwell said. "Whatever they did down here with the rumble, it stopped it a little."
However, the solution may have pushed the sideshows to other parts of the city, like the Crossroads art district.
Bryan Arri's business, Fern Bar, sits right on one of the most targeted intersections at Broadway and Southwest Boulevard.
"One of the things we've noticed is the perception of the Crossroads has gone down a little bit over the last few years in terms of safety and crime that's been happening in the area," Arri said.

Arri's hopeful the rumble strips will drive away the sideshows and pull in some more customers.
"We're really excited to see that the city is investing in the Crossroads district and really making sure that we stay one of those districts that people really love coming to, especially with the holiday season coming up," Arri said.
Kansas City, Missouri, plans to tackle more problem intersections with rumble strips in the coming weeks.