KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Mason Byrd is celebrating a big day Thursday.
"I was born in Big Creek, Oklahoma, on Aug. 26, 1919."
She's celebrating her 102nd birthday.
"You know, you age one year at a time and pretty soon, you're 102," Byrd said.
She's a mother to eight children and has more than 130 grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
"I don't know how they added up, but they did," Byrd said with a laugh.
Sitting down with one of her granddaughters and daughters, she flipped through her family tree book, flipping through the pages of her history.
She hopes the life lessons she learned, are instilled in her family.
"I want them to know who they are, and how great they are and wonderful they are," Byrd said. "And all the wonderful possibilities that's there for them."
She hopes they live their best life, as she is living hers.
It was only four years ago she stopped driving.
"I had a convertible," Byrd said. "Who'd have anything else?"
Although she's not driving anymore, she keeps her mind and body active.
"I like to read novels, I like to play with my tablet," Byrd said. "I like to go to the pool and take aerobics."
She'll also spend time doing puzzles - usually 1,000 pieces in size.
And the pieces of the puzzle that will always fit in life? Kindness and love.
"That's what rules the world," Byrd said. "Being kind and being nice because everybody's got it in them. But it's a good thing to keep yourself alive when you love everybody, and I do."
She shared her secret to her long and healthy life.
"Just living one day at a time and not worrying about tomorrow," she said.
Byrd also eats healthy and loves to cook.