
Taxi company owner tells KCMO leaders to shape up on crime

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Kansas City, MO -- Bill George knows the pen is mightier than the sword, or gun in this case. 
George is the Chief Executive Officer of Kansas City Transportation Group. 

His business is located just a few blocks from one of Kansas City’s latest homicides.  

“Dear Mayor James and city council members.  I’m writing to each of you today to express my outrage, and plea for a solution to the murder crisis plaguing Kansas City.  Yesterday we witnessed another senseless murder,” wrote George in a letter this week to Mayor Sly James and the City Council.

George’s letter speaks to the April 24 shooting death of Jonathon Porter.

Porter, 23, was gunned down at a construction site, just a month away from becoming a father.

“Another heartbroken family, a single parent child, and another horrific example of what is happening in our city,” George wrote.

Flowers are now at the construction site, replacing the construction workers that have been pulled for another day, out of respect and possibly safety.  

Porter’s homicide, plus another killing in River Market just days before, is why George picked up his pen. 

He’s concerned for his city, his family, his more than one thousand employees.  

“My radar is up a little bit about who’s getting in my car because I don’t know Adam from Eve,” said Donovan McClendon, a chauffeur for the last nine months.  

George suggests police conduct saturation patrols, or even call in the Missouri National Guard if necessary.  

If nothing changes, George plans to hit them in the pocket.

“As another election season approaches, many of you have reached out requesting support for your campaigns. I have decided I will not spend another dime for a candidate’s campaign until a real, incredible, homicide reduction plan is implemented,” George wrote.

George tells 41 Action News that he heard from the mayor’s office shortly after sending his letter. He now has a meeting planned with the mayor, city manager and police chief.

Meanwhile, the search continues for Porter’s killer.

Anyone with information about Porter’s death is asked to call the TIPS Hotline at (816) 474-8477.