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The KC Streetcar Authority hired a team of four security guards that are dedicated to making sure riders feel safe.
They're contracted with Titan, the same company that works with Union Station. They're armed and trained by the Kansas City Police Department to deescalate any situations.
Donna Mandelbaum, KC Streetcar's communications director, said the guards are there to enforce the code of conduct.
For example, riders are not allowed to smoke, bring on pets, or have weapons.
"It’s a whole litany of code of conduct rules as well as state and city ordinances that need to be adhered to, and that’s what our ambassadors and streetcar team are looking to enforce," Mandelbaum said.

Mandelbaum said they haven't had any high-impact incidents on the streetcar, mainly loitering.
But, if there were to be, she said having a team dedicated to the streetcar speeds up response times.
"If the person who is causing an incident needs to exit the streetcar, then our security team will be able to do that and not have to call PD, who may be responding to more high level things at the moment," Mandelbaum said.
Daniel Ogawa, a rider KSHB talked to, said he rides the streetcar at least once a day and has never felt unsafe.
"I didn’t have anything to worry about before, but I feel a lot better now," Ogawa said.

Other riders, like Britney Hamm who rides with her family, feel a lot better to have the added security.
"You are always thinking about that as a mom and just wanting your kids to be safe," Hamm said.

Streetcar construction down Main Street to UMKC continues with the goal of getting riders on the cars in 2025.
Mandelbaum said all of the tracks are set to be complete by early December, and all heavy construction will be done by the end of 2024.