

KC Superman: Truth, justice and the KC way


With the “S” on his chest and cape dancing behind, it’s not unusual for locals to see KC Superman running through their metropolis. He catches football passes, poses for pictures all in an effort to fight for truth, justice, and the Kansas City way.

His civilian name, Michael Wheeler.

“This is my mission today. This is a job for Superman,” he said.

"I try to spread to good news everywhere I go," said Michael Wheeler.

Wheeler is an evangelist who has been “taking it to the streets” for 34 years. Six years ago, while visiting his sister in Arizona, Wheeler bought a Superman shirt to wear while running races.

“I decided I needed to reach out. I’m a preacher, so I put Jesus on it [Superman shirt]. Then after a while, I was praying about it, and I got a cape. That’s when I started to get more attention.”

Through his ministry of costume and running, Wheeler strives to spread his message. Not only trough Kansas City, but across the nation including Ferguson, Baltimore and more.

Wheeler hope his interaction in the community can bring positive change.

It hasn’t always been easy for. Before becoming KC Superman, Wheeler’s mission wasn’t always welcomed. He recalled times where he was stabbed, spit on, shot at and hit.

“I was to the point of giving up. I said, ‘I’ve been out here years and people don’t stand with me.’ I was like, feeling sick in my body. I thought I was really dying.”

He realized his work wasn’t done. Now, Wheeler can be seen at Royals and Chiefs games, fundraisers, races and just out and about in the city.

“I pray that they can be impacted and the seed that I sow in life, they can look back and say, ‘Wow, there’s somebody that cared.’”

Wheeler hope that his example of caring for Kansas City lead others to do the same.

“We all can make a difference. Just do our part. It’s one thing to sit back and like, “Oh, it’s terrible. This city is going down.’ No. If we all do our part, we can change it.”