KANSAS CITY, Mo. — School districts across the metro area are continuing online education for summer school courses.
At KCPS, the first summer session began June 1. It's called Quest, and KCPS states it's "designed to allow students to explore, create and design their own learning through personalized learning experiences."
KCPS Intervention, Enrichment and Extended Learning Director, Dr. Christy Harrison, said there are more than 4,000 students enrolled this year, which is about average for summer school numbers in years past.
With summer school sessions, Dr. Harrison said students have a bit more flexibility and can work more independently.
"They have about a week's worth of work that they can do and they can combine that into a couple of days or spread that out over the course of the week, it's kind of up to them how that works," Dr. Harrison said. "But each week, students have a couple of videos they watch per content area and then they have assignments to go along with each one of those."
Throughout the sessions, teachers call parents to work out schedules to see what the best options are for the student.
The first session serves students in kindergarten through high school.
"At the elementary level, you'd maybe have a couple of hours a day of instruction. At the high school level, you could have a little bit more, depending on what course you were taking or how many courses you're taking," Dr.Harrison said. "And then at the middle school level, they're actually what are doing what are called passion projects - and they're actually designing a project based on something they're really passionate about."
The first session wraps up June 26. The second session starts on July 6, which is only open to high school students.
Enrollment for the second session is open until June 18. To enroll, click here.
Other school districts, such as KCKPS, are also holding virtual learning classes.