The Sexual Trauma and Abuse Care Center in Lawrence, Kan., provides free counseling, crisis response, advocacy and education to clients in Douglas, Franklin, and Jefferson counties.

Christina Gentry is a curriculum and education specialist at the care center.
The care center has been busy after sexual assault allegations this week against a former Lawrence elementary school speech and language pathologist.
“I would say that our support line has not stopped ringing," Gentry said.
RELATED | Lawrence police believe more than 2 victims connected to child sexual assault at elementary school
Mark E. Gridley, a former teacher at Prairie Park Elementary, was charged Monday with aggravated indecent liberties with a child in connection to an alleged incident on Feb. 7.
A Lawrence Police Department spokesperson on Thursday confirmed to KSHB 4 that investigators have identified more than two potential victims.
Gentry says the Lawrence community is stepping up to support those affected by the investigation.
“Hearing what’s been going on in the news is very troubling, and it also just makes us understand how important our work is," she said.
Gentry visits Lawrence Public Schools to educate children about safety.
“Any parent could have a conversation about what starts off with, ‘What did you learn in school today about safety?"' she said.
Gentry says once a child confides in their parent, one thing is most important.
“So when they say that something has happened, it needs to be believed and it needs to be supported," Gentry said.
She encourages caregivers to be aware of how they approach the situation.
“Your response could actually cause harm," she said.
Gentry notes parents can face their own form of trauma if their child is sexually abused.
“Getting supports for yourself as a parent is vital," she said. “This is not something that you heal in isolation with."
The Lawrence Police Department is working with the Children's Advocacy Center of Douglas County (CAC) to provide assistance to families.
Parents are advised to ask their child if they've had any contact with Gridley, and if that conversation raises concerns, parents should stop the conversation and call the Lawrence Police Department at 785-830-7430.
Stopping the conversation will protect the integrity of the investigation so that potential victims can speak with a trained forensic interviewer at CAC.
The Sexual Trauma and Abuse Care Center's 24/7 Hotline is 785-843-8985.