

Metropolitan Community College names Kimberly Beatty as new chancellor

Posted 6:32 PM, Aug 25, 2017
and last updated 10:21 PM, Aug 25, 2017

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Dr. Kimberly Beatty is Metropolitan Community College’s eighth chancellor.

“I think I'm still pinching myself,” Beatty said. “A couple of people had said Madam Chancellor and I'm not responding because I'm not quite used to it.”

She is the first person of color in this position at MCC. 

"It gives me a sense of pride and honor on a number of different levels but I think there's a little bit of sadness that comes with that, that here we are in 2017 and we're still saying, you know you're the first African American to lead an institituion," Beatty said. 

As she begins to make her mark here in Kansas City at MCC, this trailblazer has a history of being "the first" in many of her previous roles. 

"I've been the first in a lot of things I've accomplished in my life," she said. "I don't want to diminish it. I think it speak volumes to the city, I think it speaks volumes to the college."

With more than 25 years teaching and administrative experience in higher education, she said she’s excited for her new role at MCC.

“It almost makes you a little nervous because there's such an awesome responsibility that rests on your shoulders but then it gives you pride because there's such a sense of accomplishment,” Beatty said. 

If you're interested in meeting the new chancellor, be sure to check out her Engagement Tour, here.

Rae Daniel is a reporter for The Now. You can watch the full report at 4 p.m.