

VIDEO: Mecum collector car auction in KC


Need a break from all the basketball? Feeling the need for speed of a different sort?

No problem.

Head for Bartle Hall Friday and Saturday for the Mecum Auction, the largest collector car auction in the world.

For over a quarter of a century, Mecum has been connecting car lovers with the auto of their dreams.

Twice a year they come to KC.

About 700 vehicles of all shapes and sizes, from 20 different states, roll onto the stage over the course of two days.

Mecum CEO Dave Magers showed us a couple of classics: Shelby muscle cars, including the KR, King of the Road.

According to Magers, you do not have to be bidding or buying to enjoy the show. Most folks just love strolling down a movable memory lane and watching the auction action.

So, just how many of these beauties will find a new home this weekend? About 75 percent of these wheelie works of art will be purchased and driven away.

By the way, while you’re there, look for the Road Runner. You’ll know it by the “beep-beep” and the fact that all the coyote cars are nervous.



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