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Missouri AG, Christian counselors aim to overturn conversion-therapy bans in Jackson County, Kansas City

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Andrew Bailey

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A group of Christian counselors and Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey have filed a lawsuit against the city of Kansas City and Jackson County over their conversion-therapy ban policies.

In 2023, the Jackson County Legislature passed an ordinance banning the practice but not before a heated back-and-forth among members.

The county's ordinance makes it illegal to perform conversion therapy on minors in the county.

Conversion therapy, also known as ex-gay or reparative therapy, is a controversial practice that aims to change someone's sexual orientation or gender identity.

The city of Kansas City banned conversion therapy in 2019, an effort led by KCMO Mayor Quinton Lucas.

Among other things, the lengthy 124-page lawsuit argues the ordinances violate the first amendment rights of counselors.

READ | Lawsuit against Jackson County, Kansas City

"Children and adults today are struggling with record levels of loneliness, hopelessness, and other mental-health issues," the lawsuit states. "Those struggling often turn to licensed counselors who share their values and understand their goals. But Kansas City and Jackson County recently passed ordinances that ban purely consensual conversations — pure speech — about gender identity and sexual orientation."

The counselors claim in the lawsuit parents often ask them for help on minors who are confused about their gender identity and sexual orientation.

At times, the counselors say, minors ask them for help identifying with their sex or redirecting their sexual desires toward the opposite sex.

"Government bureaucrats should not insert themselves into private counseling conversations, much less censor and redirect the exploration of truth on some of the most contentious issues of our day" the lawsuit states.

A spokesperson from Lucas' office commented on the lawsuit Wednesday.

"As Kansas City's homicide rate soars due to domestic violence challenges in our community, we would hope the state Attorney General would work with our state-run police department to make our community safer. Instead, the Attorney General's focus remains on culture wars. The only losers in these efforts are Missourians who simply wish the state's chief crime fighter was as committed to saving lives in our community as he is to making headlines."

In a statement, Jackson County Executive Frank White, Jr. said the county stands by its policy and stands ready to defend it in court.

"Jackson County stands firmly by our commitment to protect the health, dignity, and well-being of all our residents," the statement said in part. "We will defend our law banning the harmful practice of conversion therapy to the fullest extent of the law. This ordinance reflects our unwavering belief that every individual deserves to live authentically, free from coercive and damaging practices disguised as therapy."