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Missouri Republican says Sen. Blunt has ‘betrayed’ Missouri voters

Michael Davis.jpg
Posted 10:13 PM, Dec 09, 2022
and last updated 2:33 PM, Dec 10, 2022

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Missouri State Rep. Michael Davis is not happy with the votes made by outgoing U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt.

A legislative aid to Davis sent an e-mail to media outlets Friday morning announcing the state rep is “drafting legislation” that could call on the Missouri House of Representatives to reproach Blunt.

Davis, who represents part of Belton, located southeast of Kansas City, says Blunt’s vote in the recently passed Respect for Marriage Act, among others, violate "religious liberty," the Second Amendment and the "principles of fiscal sanity."

“His betrayal of Missouri’s conservative values is shameful,” Davis said in a letter. “I call on my fellow representatives to cosign my remonstrance to hold him accountable.”

Earlier this week, Blunt took the U.S. Senate floor for his farewell speech after decades of representing Missourians at both the state and federal levels.

Davis was elected to the 56th District for his first two-year term in 2020. He won re-election last month.

Davis also cited Blunt’s votes on the Bipartisan Safer Community Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the ongoing support with “little oversight” of Ukraine.